That kind of stuff.
Wouldn't you expect someone responsible for the safekeeping of your information to be trustworthy? Surely they have been through a background check to make sure there is nothing in their past to make them suspect.
OK, I am only kidding. Joke's on you.
A woman with an outstanding warrant for her arrest is currently serving as an Obamacare “navigator” in Lawrence, Kansas.
Rosilyn Wells — the Director of Outreach and Enrollment for the Heartland Community Health-care Center (HCHC) – is “the only full-time Affordable Care Act navigator in Lawrence,” according to the Lawrence Journal-World.
Wells was certified as an Obamacare navigator despite her financial history, which includes a bankruptcy in 2003, a 2007 civil charge from a local check cashing business called Midwest Checkrite for writing a bad check, being more than $1700 behind on her state tax bill, and having an outstanding arrest warrant in nearby Shawnee County. Wells lives and works in Douglass County.
And you thought the only issue was a $600 million website that doesn't work
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